BBQ Spareribs

Before the grilles are fired up on this Memorial Day, let’s all take a moment to remember, honor, and thank the brave …

Cole Slaw – KFC Clone

What can you say about the cole slaw (or as one of the kids used to say, “cold” slaw) from that well-known …

Corny Grains

Recently, when I was out and about running errands, I was unable to find a particular brand of guacamole chips that I …

Rapture Brownies

As it is with chocolate chip cookies and chocolate cake, the search for the perfect brownie recipe goes on ad infinitum.  Fudgy, …

Spicy Glazed Pecans

These nuts make a lovely, crunchy addition to salads with your favorite vinaigrette and a sprinkling of blue cheese.  On their own, …

Eggplant Parmigiana

Recipe by Roger “I don’t have a recipe!  It’s so easy to make!”  So sayeth Fran. After I had taken over my …

Italian Bread Crumbs

For as long as I can remember, through my childhood years until adulthood, my father would go to the Italian bakery on Sunday …

Tomato Sauce

Growing up, Sunday mornings always brought the smell of my Sicilian mom’s tomato sauce which she started bright and early because we …