Roll-Up Muffuletta
The original muffuletta sandwich is a very substantial, hearty one. I have re-engineered it to be a roll-up, and my version of the sandwich is aimed at college students living on their own and working people who make or desire to make their own lunches, both of whom desire to save money and time, and minimize effort. This delicious roll-up can be made within seven minutes, including taking out and putting away all of the ingredients, and with no labor beyond plopping down the ingredients on a tortilla, rolling it up, and placing it in a zip lock bag for consuming later.
The problem I have with subs is that I don’t like the mix of ingredients—too much bread, too little meat and cheese. By making my own subs, it is cheaper, faster; and I have control over the ingredients—quality and quantity. I got the idea for a roll-up muffuletta from Subway which, for a short time, offered a tortilla roll-up for any of their sandwiches. My favorite involved cheese, ham, and salami.
Buy some tortillas, some lunch meats, some cheeses, and some Italian giardiniera. I prefer American and provolone cheeses sliced thin, smoked ham, and hard salami sliced very thin, and That Pickle Guy’s “Olive Muffalata.”* If you cannot find TPG’s Olive Muffalata, substitute your favorite Italian giardiniera. Use whatever you like for deli meat and cheese, and mix it up from time to time for variety. Each roll-up is well under $2 using better quality deli ingredients.
You can imitate any Subway sandwich in a roll-up if you have the ingredients, but that is beyond the scope of this write-up. As we used to say, “roll your own!”
*There is a variety of ways to spell the sandwich, the most common of which are “muffuletta” and “muffalata.”
Roll-up Muffuletta
- 1 8″ tortilla (if you use different sized tortillas, you may want to scale the ingredients appropriately)
- 2 slices American (or Swiss) cheese
- 2 slices Provolone cheese
- 2 slices of smoked or baked ham
- 3 slices of hard Genoa salami
- 2 to 3 tablespoons of Italian giardiniera (either mild or hot)
Lay out a tortilla on microwavable plate.
Alternate and distribute the meat and cheeses on the tortilla. I prefer the following order: American cheese, ham, provolone, and then salami.
Optional: Heat in a microwave for one minute, more or less.
Spread two or three tablespoons of giardiniera over the tortilla. Use a slotted spoon to lessen the amount of juice that you catch when taking giardiniera from the jar.
Roll up the tortilla and you are ready to eat.
Also, you can cut it, wrap it in a paper towel, and put in a sealed plastic bag to take with you to wherever you are headed.
Source: Inspired by Subway and adapted by Roger
Fran’s Notes
For those of you who may not be familiar with muffuletta sandwiches, this YouTube video will give you the history of this delicious hearty sandwich which originated in New Orleans.
Wikipedia offered this history:
“The muffuletta sandwich had its origins at Central Grocery, in the French Quarter of New Orleans. Marie’s Melting Pot, the 1980 cookbook by Marie Lupo Tusa, daughter of Central Grocery’s founder, traced the origin of the sandwich:
“One of the most interesting aspects of my father’s grocery is his unique creation, the muffuletta sandwich. The muffuletta was created in the early 1900s when the Farmers’ Market was in the same area as the grocery. Most of the farmers who sold their produce there were Sicilian. Every day they used to come of my father’s grocery for lunch. They would order some salami, some ham, a piece of cheese, a little olive salad, and either long braided Italian bread or round muffuletta bread. In typical Sicilian fashion, they ate everything separately. The farmers used to sit on crates or barrels and try to eat while precariously balancing their small trays covered with food on their knees. My father suggested that it would be easier for the farmers if he cut the bread and put everything on it like a sandwich; even if it was not typical Sicilian fashion. He experimented and found that the thicker, braided Italian bread was too hard to bite but the softer round muffuletta was ideal for his sandwich. In very little time, the farmers came to merely ask for a ‘muffuletta’ for their lunch.”