Candy Cane Martinis

The other night, Roger’s cell phone was on the dining room table dinging nonstop with text messages while we were in another room.  When he went to check on all the ding, ding, dings, he found that it was my two sisters texting back and forth about the candy cane martinis my sister Tina had just made.

Everyone knows better than to text me because I never have my phone on unless there is a critical need; so, if my sisters want to get a message to me quickly, they text Roger, who has his phone on 24/7.  I guess my sisters felt it was important that I should know about these candy cane martinis!

Well, it didn’t take me long to pick up what I needed to make them.  Godiva white chocolate liqueur?  Bailey’s?  What’s not to like?  Amy came home from school for the long winter break tonight, and she joined me in drinking this liquid version of a candy cane.  Roger, who doesn’t want anyone to mess with his usual martini and doesn’t particularly care for any combination of chocolate and mint, actually thought it was pretty good when he took a sip of mine.  That’s really saying something!

I have to admit drinking this was quite an indulgence on a work night.  I won’t touch a regular martini, but this one definitely satisfied my sweet tooth.  As you can imagine from looking at the ingredients, this martini packs a punch.  It is quite a potent “candy cane,” so one was all I could handle.  Let’s just say that I didn’t need anyone singing me a lullaby to get to sleep last tonight!

Candy Cane Martinis

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  • 2 oz. vodka
  • 1 oz. Godiva white chocolate liqueur
  • 1 oz. Bailey’s Irish Cream
  • 1 oz. peppermint schnapps
  • Splash of half and half (1/2 to 1 oz.)
  • Crushed candy canes for garnish on glass rim, optional


If you plan on dipping your martini glass rim in crushed candy canes, wet the rims with either water or one of the alcohols; then dip the glass rim into the crushed candy canes.

Add the liquid ingredients into a cocktail shaker along with a few ice cubes.  Shake to mix and strain liquor into the prepared martini glass (leaving the ice cubes behind).

Makes one serving.

Source:   My sister, Tina

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