Mama Musto’s Meatballs

Those of you with a keen eye may have noted the lack of one basic recipe in my Italian offerings.  What is …

Roger’s Jambalaya

My husband Roger is unofficially retired.  Our definition of “unofficially” is still willing to work but old enough to retire.  Seriously, after …

Brownies with White and Dark Hearts

OK, how cute are these brownies?  Personally, I think they are très über cute, make-you-smile-when-you-look-at-them cute.  Just plain darned cute!


I have long been on the search for the perfect tapenade.  When my daughters graduated from high school, I bought the most …

New England Clam Chowder

It’s Super Bowl Sunday!  I’ve only recently discovered that people eat more food on this day than any other holiday except for …

Sloppy Joes

My girls have been after me to post more College Corner recipes for them and their friends at school.  While they were …