Malted Milk Chocolate Sauce

I’m not embarrassed to admit that I grew up in the malt shop era.  For you young’uns, that’s another way of saying I’m a baby boomer.  If you don’t know what the malt shop era was like, watch some reruns of Happy Days!

A malt shop was also called a soda shop back in those days, and it was the precursor to fast food restaurants but with a whole lot more pizzazz.  You’d go there with your friends and put a nickel in the jukebox to listen to Elvis, Frankie Avalon, Paul Anka, Neil Sedaka, the Everly Brothers, the Platters  to name just a very few–you know, the original “Oldies but Goodies.”  Then you’d put in your order for a malted milkshake, ice cream soda, root beer float or some other favorite ice cream concoction.  And we always ordered French fries on the side with lots of ketchup.

When we weren’t at a malt shop with our friends, we baby boomers grew up drinking Ovaltine, a malted chocolate drink along with Nestlé’s Quik, and Bosco (do they even sell that any more?).  If you watched Saturday morning cartoons, it was impossible to avoid watching the ubiquitous Ovaltine commercials.  Malt flavoring, especially in chocolate form was really popular back then.  It’s certainly still around, but somehow I don’t think the younger generations are as enamored of the flavor as we all were back then and to this day.

A local yogurt shop owned by a geezer (“Gramp’s”) since gone out of business used to offer a chocolate malted milkshake that was a delicious walk down memory lane.  I had a hankering for one recently and found a recipe (coming soon) that was out-of-this world good.  One of the ingredients that made it so nostalgically delicious was a malted milk chocolate sauce that doubles as an ice cream topping.  The sauce was so good that it needs its own posting because it really does deserve a pedestal of its own.  Sooooooooo good!

One year ago:  Olive Garden’s Tuscan Garlic Chicken

Two years ago:  Spaghetti Pie

Malted Milk Chocolate Sauce

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  • 2/3 cup heavy cream
  • 6 tbl. light corn syrup
  • 1/4 cup chocolate malt, Ovaltine or Carnation brand
  • 1/4 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 6 oz. good quality milk chocolate, coarsely chopped (I used Ghirardelli)
  • 2 tbl. unsalted butter
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract


Combine the heavy cream, corn syrup, chocolate malt powder, brown sugar, salt and 4 oz. of the milk chocolate in a medium saucepan.  Set over medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring to melt the chocolate and ensure the sauce is smooth.  Reduce the heat so the sauce just simmers and cook for 5 minutes, frequently stirring very slowly.

Turn off the heat under the pan and add the remaining 2 oz. of chocolate, butter and vanilla.  Stir until incorporated.  Allow the sauce to cool for 5-10 minutes before serving, or cool completely and store in an airtight container for up to 5 days.  Reheat in the microwave or on the stove over low heat.

Makes 2 cups

Source:   Adapted from a Smells Like Home recipe

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