Holiday Eggnog
‘Tis the season…to drink eggnog!
I’ve been making this delicious, creamy eggnog on and off since I first discovered it in the 1972 edition of Betty Crocker’s Cookbook. The “off” part occurred when the hazards of eating and/or drinking raw eggs due to the potential of getting salmonella were made clear. Once pasteurized eggs became available, out came this 40-year-old recipe again. During the prolonged eggnog dry spell, I did get my hands on an equally delicious eggnog recipe where the eggs are cooked; and I decided to make both for a taste test with my daughters who are home from school over the holiday break.
First up, my tried and true eggnog recipe with raw but pasteurized eggs. Since I planned to make two versions of eggnog back to back, I decided to make half the recipe. That turned out to be a mistake—this first batch was gone faster than you could say cheers! And, even though I had mentioned that I wanted to save some for a taste comparison with the cooked-egg recipe, someone evidently didn’t listen to me even though that person was right there when I announced it. So, when I went looking for the last of the eggnog and couldn’t find it, someone confessed that they had finished it off. I won’t name that person, but let’s just say it was a male.
You won’t find an easier eggnog recipe to throw together. And it’s a good thing since I need to make another batch.
One year ago: Michelle’s Fish Chowder
Two years ago: Perfectly Peppermint Brownies, Microwave Fudge
Holiday Eggnog
- 6 eggs, pasteurized
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 1/2 to 1 cup light rum OR for non-alcoholic eggnog, add 1 to 2 tbl. rum extract
- 1 quart light cream (I used half & half)
- Nutmeg for sprinkling
In large bowl, beat eggs until light and foamy. Add sugar and salt, beating until thick and lemon colored. Stir in rum and cream.
Chill at least 3 hours. Just before serving, sprinkle with nutmeg.
Makes 12 servings (about 1/2 cup each)