Coq au Chardonnay

IMG_1937 (575x327)Special occasions call for special meals!  My daughter’s recent engagement had me searching for a special new recipe to celebrate the happy event.

Sara’s boyfriend, Greg, officially proposed a little over a week ago.  Roger and I are so happy for the two of them and are equally happy to welcome Greg into the family.  The happy couple:

2016-03.11 Sara & Greg are engaged (431x575)Both Sara and Greg are good cooks, so I wanted our celebratory meal to be something delicious and new to them.  Roger and I were fortunate to have tried this Coq au Chardonnay last month when my sister Diana made it for us.  Coq au Chardonnay is a kissin’ cousin to Coq au Vin but uses white wine instead of red.  It was a new recipe for all of us, and it got thumbs up all around the table.

When all is said and done, you end up with the most flavorful, moist chicken and a mouthwatering sauce to pour over it.  It screams for mashed potatoes to accompany it, and we all made potato volcanoes—lava never tasted so good!

Congrats to Sara and Greg and best wishes for a long and happy marriage!!

One year ago:  Hostess Copycat Cupcake aka Fauxstess Cupcakes

Two years ago:  Espresso Shortbread Cookies with Irish Whiskey Glaze

Three years ago:  Bulgur Breakfast Cereal

Four years ago:  Napa Valley Chicken Salad

Coq au Chardonnay

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  • 1 tbl. olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 4-5 strips of bacon or pancetta, chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
  • 8 chicken pieces on the bone (thighs and legs)
  • 8 oz. Cremini mushrooms, whole or halved
  • 500ml (2/3 of a bottle) Chardonnay
  • 1 cup double   whipping cream
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • Handful Italian flat leaf chopped parsley


Cook bacon or pancetta in a tablespoon of olive oil.  Skip oil if bacon is too fatty.  Remove the bacon to a paper towel-lined plate.

Salt and pepper the chicken pieces and brown them in bacon fat over medium-high heat.  Remove to a paper towel-lined plate.

Cook chopped onion over low heat for 5-7 minutes, add garlic when the onion is tender and translucent and cook for 1 minute longer.  Remove cooked onion and garlic to the same plate as chicken and bacon.

Add mushrooms to the pan and brown them for 3-5 minutes over medium-high heat.

Return chicken, onion, garlic and bacon to the pan, pour wine all over, bring to a boil, then lower the heat to low and simmer for 40 minutes.

Add cream and simmer for 10 minutes longer.

Sprinkle with chopped parsley before serving.

Serve with mashed potatoes or rice and crusty bread to mop up all that amazing sauce.  Serves 4 to 6.

IMG_1949 (575x353)Source:   From the internet via my sister Diana

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