Tiramisù for Two

Yesterday, I shared a delicious appetizer I made to kick off a celebratory anniversary dinner for hubby and me.  Today, I’m sharing the special dessert I made to finish off our wonderful meal.

I’m a big fan of tiramisù and will order it anytime it’s on the menu whenever Roger and I dine out at an Italian restaurant.  What’s not to like about ladyfingers soaked in espresso and rum (or Kahlua) sandwiched between layers of sweet and creamy mascarpone and dusted with cocoa?

You may have noticed that I have a recipe for tiramisù here on my blog.  It’s absolutely divine, but it makes a 9×13” pan.  Since hubby and I are empty nesters and since you can’t freeze tiramisù, I don’t have too many opportunities to make it.

I’ve also posted a recipe for tiramisù cupcakes (to die for!)—but, as with the big pan of tiramisù, it makes too many cupcakes for just the two of us to eat.

Tiramisù for two to the rescue!

If you’ve never made tiramisù before, it’s fairly easy as there’s no baking involved.  You just need to mix up the mascarpone with cream, sugar, and vanilla.  Then you combine the two coffee mixture ingredients and start dipping and layering.  You’ll note that there are no raw eggs in this recipe, so that makes it worry free.

The package of Savoiardi ladyfingers I bought has plenty left over so that hubby and I will be enjoying tiramisù a few more times as an indulgent treat.  No need to wait for another special occasion!

Tiramisù for Two

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  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup mascarpone cheese, softened
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup strong brewed coffee or espresso, cooled
  • 1 tbl. coffee liqueur or dark rum (optional)
  • 6 to 8 ladyfingers*
  • Cocoa powder, for dusting
  • Grated chocolate or chocolate curls, for garnish (optional)

*Use crispy (Savoiardi) ladyfingers, not the soft kind.  If you can’t find them, you can substitute sponge cake cut into strips.


Using an electric mixer with a whisk attachment, whip the heavy cream with the sugar on medium-high speed until soft peaks form.

Gently fold the mascarpone and vanilla extract into the whipped cream until the mixture is smooth and well combined.

In a shallow dish, combine the cooled coffee with the coffee liqueur or rum, if using.

Quickly dip the ladyfingers in the coffee mixture.  Be sure to dip them just long enough to get them damp but not soggy.

In two serving glasses or small bowls, start with a layer of the soaked ladyfingers, followed by a layer of the mascarpone mixture.  Repeat the layers until all ingredients are used.

Refrigerate the tiramisu for 2 hours to overnight to allow the flavors to meld together.

Before serving, dust with cocoa powder and garnish with grated chocolate or chocolate curls, if desired.

Source:  A recipe from Bake or Break

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