Hot Spiced Apple-Raspberry Cider

I cut this recipe out of Bon Appétit magazine when my kids were still young enough to go trick or treating at Halloween.  At that time of year, the weather could be quite nippy; and this delicious spiced cider was just the ticket to help stave off the cold temperatures.  I would make a batch of the cider and fill a thermos for Roger to take along on his trick-or-treat trek (told you I like alliteration—and double alliteration at that!) while I stayed home to hand out candy to our young callers.

Last time Amy was home from school, she was in the mood for a hot specialty beverage.  I told her she could either go to Starbucks or to the supermarket to pick up what we needed to make a batch of this cider.   She enthusiastically ran to the store, came home and made a batch.  It had been a while since I had made it, and it was even more delicious than I remembered.  To put it over the top, we decided to warm it up just a bit more by adding a splash of rum.  Wow, was that ever good!

After drinking the cider, Amy announced that she was going to raid my supply of crystallized ginger, cinnamon sticks, cloves and allspice to bring back to school.  I have a feeling Starbucks will be losing some business this winter.

Hot Spiced Apple-Raspberry Cider

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  • 8 quarter-sized pieces crystallized ginger
  • 4 cinnamon sticks
  • 12 whole cloves
  • 12 whole allspice
  • 8 cups apple cider
  • 2 12-oz. cans frozen apple-grape-raspberry juice concentrate
  • 3 cups water
  • 2 cups orange juice


Wrap ginger, cinnamon sticks, cloves and allspice in cheesecloth; tie to secure.

Place in large pot.  Add apple cider and all remaining ingredients and bring to boil.  Reduce heat and simmer 45 minutes to blend flavors.  Remove spices.  Ladle cider into mugs and serve.

Fran’s Notes

Amy wasn’t able to find the apple-grape-raspberry juice concentrate at the supermarket, but apple-cranberry worked just fine as a substitute.

Source:   A Bon Appétit recipe

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