Best Ever Potato Salad

I am total sucker for any recipe that has the word “best” or “favorite” in its title.  I know…I’m easy.

As is the case for so many recipe categories, there simply cannot be an end-all or be-all recipe—it’s all so subjective.  For example, I’ve determined that there really has to be a top ten list for chocolate chip cookies, brownies, chocolate cake, etc.  I do believe that is the case for potato salad as well.

Think about it.  Most potato salads are cold but some are meant to be served hot.  Some potato salads call for mustard; others don’t.  What if you don’t like mustard?  That doesn’t mean that particular potato salad isn’t the best in the eyes (mouth!) of someone who does like mustard.

Michelle’s write-up for her “Best Ever Potato Salad” convinced me to try it even though I personally don’t put mustard in my own delicious potato salad.  Our two recipes are quite similar but for the addition of mustard and bacon.  I’m good with bacon; and, if it had just been the addition of mustard  to her salad that made the remaining difference, I probably wouldn’t have tried it.  It was what she did with the mustard that made all the difference.  The mustard gets whisked into some bacon drippings—she had me there!

Now this is one mighty delicious potato salad.  Is it the “best ever?”  There might be a hung jury on that.  You’ll just have to make it and decide for yourself.

One year ago:  Gluten-free Buttermilk Pancakes

Two years ago:  Grilled Corn Succotash

Best Ever Potato Salad

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  • 4 cups cubed red potatoes
  • 10 slices bacon, cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 3/4 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 tbl. Dijon mustard
  • 2 tsp. granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs, chopped
  • 1 stalk celery, diced (not a fan, so I didn’t use)
  • 2 tbl. onion, finely chopped
  • 1/2 medium green pepper, chopped


Boil the potatoes until they are fork tender.  Drain the potatoes and set aside.

Meanwhile, cook the bacon in a skillet over medium-low heat until crisp.  Remove bacon with a slotted spoon and place on a paper towel-lined plate to drain.  Pour off all but 2 tbl. of the bacon drippings in the skillet.

Add the mayonnaise, mustard, sugar and salt to the reserved bacon drippings in the skillet and whisk to combine.

In a large bowl, combine the potatoes, eggs, celery (if using), onion and green pepper.  Pour the dressing over the ingredients and gently stir to evenly coat.

Cover and refrigerate for at least 3 hours before serving.  Sprinkle with reserved bacon when you serve potato salad.  Serves 6 to 8.

Fran’s Notes

You may have noticed the pastrami sandwich playing second fiddle to the potato salad in the photos.  If you love pastrami and are ever in Chicago—do not, not, not miss the opportunity to visit the Fumare Meats stand in The French Market under the Ogilvie train station.  They sell a Montreal-style pastrami that is simply out of this world.  It is not hyperbole when I tell you that their pastrami sandwich is one of the top ten most delicious things I have ever eaten in my life!

Source:  A recipe from the Brown Eyed Baker

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